This posting will consist of a list and description of themed activities for this party.
Unicorn Race: Using manufactured stick horses or unicorn the children can have a race with a prize going to the winner.
Pin the Tail or Horn On the Unicorn : self explanatory
Mane or Tail Race: Children are divided into teams with equal numbers. Each child is given a piece of streamer with a strip of tape attached to one end. The child race to an unicorn poster place there streamer on the unicorn's neck or hind quarter, race back to the starting line, tag a team member and repeat until one team is finished. The winning team members get a prize.
Horseshoes : Self explanatory
Making Unicorn horns and tails: Take sturdy paper or posterboard, roll into a cone, cut off excess paper and affix into place with glue or staples. Cut a small hole or slot on each side and run a thin elastic strip thru knotting after it is in the slot. This will keep the horns in place on the head. Think of a traditional birthday party hat to get the concept. Allow the children to decorate their horns with glitter, colored glitter paint or glue to look like spirals, stickers, or anything you would like to offer for decorating.
Tails: cut a piece of kite string long enough to circle a kid's waist. Tie long pieces of yarn to the center back of the string. Tie around the child's waist to form a tail in the back.
You can have a parade of unicorns once this is complete.
Mystical Gem Treasure Hunt: Buy marbles or glass beads and hide them in various places. Give each child a small pouch ( often found at dollar stores or craft stores, but can be easily made if you can sew ) and have a hunt to find the gems. Each child keeps their pouch and marbles as a party favor.
Pinata: self explanatory
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